Physical Properties | PE4710/PE100 | Test Method |
Cell classification | 445474C | ASTM D3350 |
Density | 0.960 (black) | ASTM D1505 |
High Load Melt Index | 7.0gms/10mins | ASTM D1238 |
Flexural Modulus | 146,000psi | ASTM D790 |
Tensile Strength at Yield | 3500psi | ASTM D638 |
Elongation at Break | 800% | ASTM D638 |
Thermal Expansion | 1.0 x 10-4 in/in/°F | ASTM D696 |
Brittleness Temperature | <-76°C | ASTM D746 |
Hardness, Shore D | 65 | ASTM D2240 |
Rapid Crack Propagation, Pc @32 °F | >10 bar | ISO 13477 |
PENT | > 2,000 h | ASTM F1473 |
Hydrostatic Design Basis at 23°C | 1600psi | ASTM D2837 |
Hydrostatic Design Basis at 60°C | 1000psi | ASTM D2837 |
The data contained herein is a guide to the use of Pipe produced by Dynaflex Pipe Technologies and is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, general data does not adequately cover specific applications, and it’s suitability in particular applications should be independently verified. In all cases, the user should assume that additional safety measures may be required in the safe installation or operation of the project. Due to a wide variation in service conditions, quality of installation, etc. no warranty expressed or implied, is given in conjunction with the use of this material, other than that stated in our Terms and Conditions of Sale.